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Tips for Preventing Pests During the Pandemic

It’s no secret the coronavirus has all of us facing uncertainty. Schools are closed; people are facing employment unpredictability and financial insecurity. The simple daily routine of living has been challenging due to grocery stores and other essential businesses cutting their hours, closing down completely, limiting the amount of certain items that can be purchased, or being totally out of products that are imperative to daily life. And so with all of this going on, the last thing you need to be concerned with are pest problems.

Don’t worry; Scout’s Pest Control is here for you. Listed below are some smart tips for keeping your home pest free.

Inside Tips

  • With the volatility of certain grocery items you are probably buying some things in bulk when available. Often these are foods whose product packaging attracts bugs. For example, roaches and silverfish love the glue in cardboard boxes while flour weevils are found in flour, cornmeal, rice and cereal. When returning from the store remove any bagged food items from their cardboard boxes and immediately discard the boxes in the outside trash or recycling bin. Then store staples in air-tight glass or plastic jars or canisters. 
  • Thoroughly wipe down kitchen counters and tables with an antibacterial cleanser after all food preparation, snacks and meals. Take the trash out daily and spray the inside can with an antibacterial spray before replacing the bag. 

Outside Tips

  • Don’t forget to double check the outside trash can lids to make sure they fit securely. Often raccoons, possums and feral cats will attempt to pry them off in order to get to the garbage inside. 
  • The weather is warming up and you may be tempted to open your windows and screen doors to keep the air conditioning off for a while longer. Before doing so check to ensure the window and door screens don’t need repairing. Even the tiniest hole can let flies, gnats and mosquitoes in. 
  • Make sure all foliage and vegetation is cleared away from the outside of your home’s foundation, siding, porches and decks. Tree branches and shrubbery make perfect warm weather nests for insects and rodents

Scout’s Pest Control is continuing to service all current clients and welcome new customer inquiries. We are treating home and business interiors while practicing social distancing and all other prescribed Covid-19 safety guidelines. If you aren’t comfortable having us inside your home, we completely understand and will be more than happy to only treat the exterior spaces. Questions about how to keep your home pest free during this trying time or ready to schedule a complementary pest control inspection? Call Scout’s Pest Control at 864-469-4999 today. 

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