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Scout’s Mosquito Control
Greenville sc

Special Event Treatment

mosquito control

Seasonal Package

mosquito control

Available IN greenvile, Anderson and Oconee County
Other areas available - call for pricing


One Time TReatment

Up To 1/2 Acre $95

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7 Time TReatment Package

Up To 1/2 Acre $565

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Scout’s Mosquito Control Greenville

South Carolina enjoys good weather but unfortunately that good weather is also very humid at times and is a tremendous breeding ground for mosquitoes

Mosquitoes carry disease and can easily transmit the disease carrying parasites when they feed. They feed on blood and unlike those vampires of old – any blood is fair game. Then of course they pick up the disease parasite and transmit to humans when they feed on human blood. Now not every mosquito is dangerous because not all will be carrying disease. A mosquito has to be infected itself. However, mosquitoes are incredibly annoying and can make them intolerable in a home environment. 

Mosquito control is necessary in the hot humid summer months in Greenville South Carolina.

mosquito, schnake, sting


mosquito control
We offer a mosquito reduction service to help you enjoy your yard during the spring, summer, and fall months without the annoying and inevitable presence of those pesky mosquitos.

We treat the lawn area, trees, shrubs, and ground cover where mosquitoes congregate. Once the treatment is complete, it essentially repels mosquitoes and will kill them when they congregate on the areas that we treated. Depending on the weather, this treatment typically lasts between 21-28 days.

CHECK OUT OUR mosquito programs:



Start Your Pest Control Now

Now is the time to get ahead of the pests that will emerge in the hot weather.

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