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Termite typically found in the Greenville, SC area, presented by Scout's Pest Control

Termite Bonds and Termite Renewal

To ensure your termite treatment continues to be effective there is an annual inspection and renewal, similar to a renewable warranty, to provide continued termite prevention.

Are termite bonds important? After moving into your new home one of your first calls should be to Scout’s Pest Control to schedule an eastern subterranean termite treatment and the interior/exterior pest control inspection. With inspections complete, quarterly pest control treatments will be on schedule to keep the home’s interior and exterior insect free. 

To ensure your termite treatment continues to be effective there is an annual inspection and renewal, similar to a renewable warranty, to provide continued termite prevention. This is also known as a termite bond which is often a legal requirement in most states in the United States. Many people, especially first-time homeowners, are surprised to discover that termite treatments are an ongoing and that termite bonds are a necessity. They typically include a yearly charge, which is in addition to monthly pest control fees.

The cost of the termite renewal

termite bonds and termite infestation

The cost of the termite renewal is generally a fraction of the cost of the initial treatment since an inspection doesn’t take as much time and is easier to accomplish. While chemical treatments have long-term staying power, inspections and re-treatment (if needed) is necessary to ensure your home is termite free and has adequate treatment coverage to combat any future infestations. 

If the home has been chemically treated, the renewal usually includes a visual inspection to check for damaged wood, mud tubes and any sign of live termites. The technician often will provide helpful suggestions for decreasing the chances of attracting termites. If signs of termite re-infestation are discovered then re-treatment is typically necessary and the associated charges will be at little or no cost to you. Also a Scout’s termite bond covers any repair costs if after treatment live termites are found in a damaged area.

While you may be tempted to skip a year or two or three to save some money, please keep in mind the cost of repairing termite structural damage can easily run into thousands of dollars, not to mention the stress and inconvenience to your family’s daily routine, as well as the cost of having the entire structure retreated after repairs have been completed. It is more cost effective to keep on top of your pest control and especially the need for termite control and prevention. It will save you money in the long-term.

Termite Bonds When You Sell


Another aspect you should consider that should you decide to sell your home in the future, you will need to show proof of your termite bond and your termite renewals. Failure to disclose any termite infestation or termite damage could cause some issues with your house sale or purchase. This could cause you severe financial repercussions when it would have been better to keep on top of your requirements for termite protection. The cost to deal with an active termite infestation could be extremely high if ignored.

Concerned you have a termite problem?  Scout’s Pest Control offers complementary termite inspectionsConnect with us today online or by calling 864-469-4999. Start regular termite and regular pest control with scouts and leave your pest worries behind. Contact us for a free crawl space inspection to identify possible pest problems and wood damaging pest problems in your crawl space.

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