
Termites in Winter

Termites in Winter

Termites in Winter, really! Animals tend to hibernate during winter. However, Termites are an exception because they remain active in winter, you just do not see that activity as much due to the behavior of the Termites themselves. So yes, you do get termites in winter months. Homeowners normally see a lot of termites during

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Seeing stink bugs on your windows? Here are some tips from Scout's Pest Control in Greenville, SC.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Stink Bugs

Originally from East Asia it is believed the brown marmorated stink bug entered the United States in the late 1990’s. They likely entered from either China or Japan in an overseas packing crate. However, The United States Department of Agriculture has never required stink bugs be reported and tracked. This has allowed them to easily spread throughout

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Stink Bugs Read More »

Holiday Season Is Here

Happy Holidays! Don't be caught out with pests this holiday season. Start your pest control now and ensure your holidays are pest free.

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